Reptiles are found in the African bush in many shapes and sizes. They are some of the most interesting creatures to study and observe. Reptiles form an integral part of the ecosystem whether they are predator or prey, circumstances depending. In general, reptiles are ectothermic (cold blooded) creatures and rely on heat sources, as well as shade, to regulate their internal temperature. This does make it possible to locate them in certain areas that provide these sources of temperature regulation. Crocodiles, for example, can be found basking on sand banks or rocks next to or in rivers and other water sources. When they will be out in the open using these structures to bask is dependant on the prevailing conditions but knowing this can help one locate crocodiles during a safari. When on your next safari, ask your guide about the habits of certain reptiles to see if you might be able to locate them. However, be aware that not all but many reptiles are dangerous to humans so always take care to respect them and view them from a safe distance, preferably in the company of a qualified guide.